
A2O carries out safety analysis on existing installations and provides replacement cladding, certified to passive fire prevention standards.

Since the tragic event at Grenfell Tower in June 2017 there has been a great deal of work carried out to identify buildings that are clad with unsafe products.

A2O have been involved in building BS8414 test rigs at the BRE to determine whether a current build-up is appropriate and whether an intended installation will pass.

Services that we have carried out on reclad schemes include:

  • Intrusive surveys including reports on current installations
  • 3D scans of existing elevations
  • Design services for replacement cladding
  • Arranging scaffolding and access equipment
  • Site management
  • Removal and disposal of existing installation
  • Installation of new A1 and A2 fire-rated cladding systems
  • Installation of new fire barriers to LPS 1531 standards (see below)

A2O are a LPCB certified installer of passive fire protection under LPS 1531, accredited and regularly audited by the BRE, see more.

In addition to the completed Case Studies below, we are currently recladding several London residential and hotel buildings.


In partnership with RJ Facade Systems and Hydro, A2O now installs subgrids in LEC (low embodied carbon) Recycle Grade 4.0 aluminium. This reduces carbon emissions by over 40% compared to standard European aluminium.

On facade remediations where A2O is principal contractor, the aluminium reclad strip can be collected and recycled, slashing the subgrid’s carbon footprint by over 93%.

See Aluminium Closed Loop Case Study:

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