
Values-based  Design-led • Quality-focused

a can-do attitude, a collaborative approach

The business culture of A2O has evolved from a set of core values: •  We are proactive and take ownership of the issues and processes •  We act with integrity towards our stakeholders and each other •  We look for a win-win in every interaction •  We follow the Golden Rule – treat others as you would have them treat you •  We do what we say we are going to do •  We are one team!
Our Estimating, Pre-Construction, Design, Commercial and Operations Teams are supported by A2O Group Admin.
Health & Safety: No Compromise. A2O has a dedicated SHEQ Manager overseeing every step of the project.

A quality installation does not just mean that the façade looks great, it must perform well in the long term.

Our Health & Safety, Environmental, Quality and Fire Safety performance are all backed up with audits and certifications.

Giving back through Charity of The Year, Staff Fundraisers, Sponsorships and Donations – and charity building projects in Africa and Latin America.