Barton Farm Primary School, part of King’s Barton housing development in Winchester, was designed by Hampshire County Council architects.
The £8.5m eco-school, for 420 pupils, achieved a BREEAM rating of ‘excellent’ and is one of the most sustainable schools in Hampshire.
A20 were appointed to install the SFS and timber rainscreen cladding.
The timber rainscreen had a high level of bespoke detail. The design called for the timber modules to be fabricated off-site.
The interfaces with the glazing and zinc were very complex.
Safety concerns for the school children were paramount.
A2O recommended the timber modules be fabricated onsite for a better fit with the multiple interfaces with other materials.
Physical mock-ups were created to show how the interfaces would be detailed.
A2O suggested changing from a horizontal open-jointed timber profile, which children could climb up like a ladder, to a close-boarded profile. This recommendation was adopted for improved safety.
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