August 24, 2021

Refurb help for Cambridge Fairbite Club – now open!

Cambridge Foodbank has pioneered a new social enterprise model, the Fairbite Club. A2O is pleased to have redecorated the unit, which opened Tuesday 17th August. 

A2O was appointed by RG Carter for the cladding of 30 Station Road, the new Apple HQ, and wanted to give something back to the local community. After contacting the nearest foodbank local to Station Road, Cambridge Foodbank asked if it would be possible to assist with an innovative new project

 In the UK 250,000 tons of food are thrown away each year by supermarkets, as they respond to consumer expectations and demands. Fairbite is a response to this situation, enabling people struggling to afford food to access food that would otherwise go to waste. While Foodbanks provide emergency assistance, the Fairbite Club is a long-term sustainable service. Members are referred and pay £2 on arrival, giving them access to 10 essential items, plus fresh fruit and vegetables and sanitary items.

Eddy and his son Arny made good and decorated the ceiling, floor and walls of the unit at 41 Arbury Street on behalf of A2O. In the photo is Lisa, Fairbite administrator; Sharon, Capacity Expansion administrator and Margaret, Cambridge City Foodbank CEO.

Cambridge Fairbite Club - refurbished unit